
Spirit Week Spring 2016


This Spirit Week kicked off with what all good rap battles end with, a mic drop. However, Senior Spirit Representative Teenie Noskowski’s fumble of the microphone wasn’t the only hip-hop/candy themed event of the day. Students dressed as their favorite confection, rapper, or food storage product for a day full of fun and Quidditch.



The second day of Spirit Week threw it back to our days in diapers. Students grabbed their teddy bears and overalls for Toddler Tuesday, and broke it down on the front lawn for a dance battle.


Students dressed in creative outfits for Land vs. Sea day with anything from dinosaur costumes to mermaid tails. With the battle of land against the ocean also came the lunch time battle in Bubble Soccer as a new lunch time game.



Today students dressed up for Celebrations Day, ranging from actual holidays such as Fourth of July to Bachelor Party. Students were very creative with their various costumes. The lunch time game was an obstacle course where students tested their agility skills.



On the day of the spirit rally, LGHS students arrived decked out in their class colors. When the 11:05 bell rang, the courtyard was flooded with green, blue, orange, and black as people ran towards the gym to find the perfect spot for rally commencement. During the rally, the LGHS marching band, cheer team, and dance team all performed high-energy routines to pump up the crowd. Relays, magical chairs, and the long-awaited tug-of-war were played, and the seniors came out on top. The juniors followed closely, and the sophomores placed third and the freshmen fourth.

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